The Twogue skin is doneeee YAYYYY!!! All I have to do now is the makeups and then it'll be ready to release. Also the hair base won't just be attached to the skin, it will also be a tattoo layer<3
I have no idea how this happened but I managed to make accessories LOL. These aren't all the colors for each accessory but just a sample to peak your interest. I've worked super hard to get this stuff done am I'm super proud of myself for expanding my design horizons and I hope you guys enjoy the fruits of my labor. See ya on December 8th!!!
This is just a small picture of whats in the store. The collection isn't huge but its definitely a start. It has been a very very long road so no one can possibly imagine how relieved I am to finally be opening. Keep a look out on December the 8th because I will be posting the slurl here and on my flickr: )